Ten Minute Dance Parties will have a lasting impact on young Darwin locals
Landbridge partnered with Darwin Festival, Melbourne artist Joseph O’Farrell (JOF) and a guest line-up of Darwin locals to bring you 10 Minute Dance Parties in a shipping container at Festival Park.
In the lead up to the event, there was a series of DJ workshops facilitated by James Mangohig (Kuya James) for young Darwin locals, including Landbridge partners Clontarf and Stars. The workshop participants then became the official DJs for the 10 Minute Dance Parties, running 65 sessions for 447 willing participants over three nights.
Clontarf student Trinity Sariago said he loved it.
“There were always people dancing and I would do it every day of the year if I could.”
While Phoenix Langrree said it’s the best thing he’s ever done with Clontarf.
“I wish there were two shipping containers so we could do more shows,” he said.
Stars year 11 student Babylon said, the best thing about the 10-minute dance parties was having fun and learning different skills from it.
“DJing built up my courage and confidence.
“It made me nervous but it was cool to see adults and kids dancing to our music and seeing them having fun,” she said.
Stars program mentor Leicolhn McKellar said the 10-Minute Dance Parties were an excellent opportunity for young Stars women to engage in an exciting and vibrant artist environment.
“Kuya James (workshop facilitator) granted the girls scope for decision-making and leadership, which allowed them to feel confident and accomplished.
“The activity itself was dynamic and engaging, as music is a constant for our girls and the ability to be responsible for the delivery of a safe party space left the girls feeling elated.
“Their confidence skyrocketed over the four days of performances at Darwin Festival and they couldn’t wipe the smiles off their faces.
“We will be researching potential career pathways for one participant in particular who has expressed a keen interest in further DJ mentoring thanks to her experience with 10 Minute Dance Parties,” she said.
“Besides performing to a group of people, our boys increased their confidence, accountability, pride in their work, belief in their own ability and experienced an appreciation for other people enjoying something they did,” said Clontarf Operations Officer, Casuarina Senior College Academy, Ben Fennell.
Managing Director for Landbridge in Australia, Mike Hughes, said Landbridge is delighted to see the impact the DJ workshops and event had on the Stars and Clontarf students.
“We knew dancing in a shipping container was going to be an experience, however it seems the real experience was the confidence and feeling of achievement these young DJs gained from taking part in the workshops and headlining 10 Minute Dance Parties during the Festival.”
Landbridge continues to support community events, that directly contribute to a vibrant and prosperous future for the region.